Mini Series Workshops for couples


Location: Online

Who can attend? Singles and couples



Want more in depth knowledge about some of the monthly topics? Check out the
60 minute weekly mini series below!
Addiction- sign up for a 4 week series workshop and learn:
what is addiction?
Family systems: how addiction affects everyone in the family, not just the person
using the substance
What recovery looks like in action
Why addiction is not a moral problem
Communication workshop- sign p for the 4 week series and learn more:
What is active listening? Learn how to be an active listener. this workshop is all
about practicing this skill
What is sharing about yourself? Learn the skill to talk about your experience
without attacking your partner. This is actually a skill that requires vulnerability as
it demands talking about your experience and your feelings about the experience.
You need to look at what it means to be seen in a relationship. We will dive into
your internal working model of what it means to be known by someone you love
and trust.
What about your childhood? We will look at what skills you learned from your
caretakers and your community about having your needs met and explore if you
need to reframe any old messages.
Create fun and surprises in your relationship- we will explore ways to bring fun
and surprises in your relationship!


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